This was a first time experience for my children to see a high quality performance live at The West Yorkshire Playhouse. Kindly selected and nominated to attend on behalf of Caroline Carr – Headteacher at Greenmount Primary School. We were seated in our very prestigiously reserved front seated area.
The play initially started with the hard working family characters who live and work on the farm. Mum, Dad and George, on hearing the news of the sudden arrival of Grandma are shocked, nervous, worried and bounce into action to try and prepare. The body language displayed by all within significant moments showed their impact and effectiveness. George demonstrates his frustration and sadness at Grandma’s domineering attitude. Frequently belittling him for never doing enough or not being good enough.

Grandma’s character was emphasised with the contribution of her upmarket status defined by her costumes. All the characters used voice projection effectively, pitch pace, projection and intonation was powerful and memorable. The play showed the harsh realities of hard work, family roles and real problems experienced. Followed by George dutifully caring and then capturing the magic of his medicinal invention.
From start to finish the inter-generational audience was captivated. Families displaying joy from watching and listening with astonishment in their eyes. No screen time for anyone, just watching people live in action created an engagement from the packed out audience. Any conversation the characters had seemed to generate a roar from the ever so engaged audience who loved every minute. Children with additional needs laughed the whole way through and could not stop talking about the fun they had.
To conclude the issue of caring was the main highlight and the joys and stresses of dutifully caring for a loved one however with a comedy angle throughout. Superbly designed set, lighting, sound and costumes too.
Daniyaal (10) said: “I liked the actors, they acted really nice and the sound effects were cool …”
Abdullah (9) added: “It was entertaining, joyful, crazy, clever, non stop, spectacular … I did not want to blink so I would not miss anything.”
This post was written by Sunjeeda Hanif with help from Daniyaal Ashfaq and Abdullah Ashfaq using our Create an article for South Leeds Life page.