Planning applications: 10 July 2017

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 10 July 2017:


Single storey side and rear extension 

33 Thirlmere Close Beeston Leeds LS11 8JH

Ref. No: 17/04225/FU | Status: Current

Listed Building Application for a residential development forming one block of six flats with associated parking; partial demolition of single storey element to facilitate access 

St Edwards Vicarage 65 Brown Lane East Holbeck Leeds

Ref. No: 17/03716/LI | Status: Current

Residential development forming one block of six flats with associated parking; partial demolition of single storey element to facilitate access 

St Edwards Vicarage 65 Brown Lane East Holbeck Leeds

Ref. No: 17/03715/FU | Status: Current

Two semi-detached dwellings to site of existing bungalow 

19 Gipsy Lane Beeston Leeds LS11 5TP

Ref. No: 17/03384/FU | Status: Current

One non illuminated sign 

The Station Moor Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 2JQ

Ref. No: 17/04597/ADV | Status: Current

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of approval 15/01997/FU and conditions 4, 7 and 8 for the omission of a sliding vehicle gate in lieu of a manual lifting vehicle barrier. 

T F And J H Braime Holdings Plc Hunslet Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 1JZ

Ref. No: 17/04424/FU | Status: Current

Demolition of workshop

Norwest Holst Soil Engineering Ltd Parkside Lane Beeston Leeds LS11 5SX

Ref. No: 17/04342/DEM | Status: Current

Variation of condition 5 of planning permission 14/04457/FU, hours of delivery 

Unit 1, Tunstall Road Retail Park Tunstall Road Beeston LS11 5JF

Ref. No: 17/04325/FU | Status: Current

Change of use of a house (C3) to ground floor travel agents (A2) and upper floors to a two bedroomed apartment ( C3) 

270 Dewsbury Road Hunslet Leeds LS11 6JQ

Ref. No: 17/04218/FU | Status: Current

Installation of a new ATM cash machine to front of retail store 

Unit 1B, Crown Point Retail Park Junction Street Hunslet Leeds LS10 1ET

Ref. No: 17/04159/FU | Status: Current

Change of use of bank to ground floor shop with new shop front, three flats to first and second floors with two rear dormer windows 

193 – 195 Dewsbury Road Hunslet Leeds LS11 5EG

Ref. No: 17/02967/FU | Status: Current