. . . this little-known gallery has become a cornerstone of the Leeds art scene through its display of weird and wonderful, solo and group exhibitions.
Leeds List
We have had a fantastic start to the year with Mo Robertson’s ‘Traumas of The Flesh’ exhibition which looked at the subject of endometriosis through sculpture, but for the next exhibition we turn to the subject of environment through recycling and printing techniques.
Helen Wood | Sphere of Concern / Mirror of Repetition
Tuesday 1st April | 5:30-8:30pm FREE EVENT | ALL WELCOME
Sustainability is a word hung on many lips at this moment in time, as the human race struggles to come to terms with its own collective mortality. For some it is a hoax, for others a clarion call to action; but to all it is a question, a debate, an argument to be had. Contemporary Art has for many years looked at the nature of its own creation; the materials used in its production, the life of the object beyond this, and the environmental credentials of the artist as a producer in a world of stuff.
BasementArtsProject has long been fascinated by this apparent dichotomy; art as a humanity that enriches and develops civilisation, or art as pollutant with the power to hasten humanity’s end. Will art play a part in our downfall in a world riven by war and consumerism, or rather than being a malign influence is it a voice of concern and reason.
Helen Wood takes the mirror of concern and presents a series of works highlighting the nature of consumption, material production and the paradox that is the notion of green growth.
Helen Wood is a Bradford based Artist who works as a technician in the printmaking department at Bradford School of Art.
Exhibition continues until Sunday 4th May
For full details of opening ours CLICK HERE

Lunchtime Conversation w/ Helen Wood
BasementArtsProject is an experimental art venue and family home in Beeston, South Leeds. Since April 2011 we have worked with more than 200 artists; these have ranged from undergraduate and early career through to established artists, and all in the context of daily life.
Come and join Helen around the BasementArtsProject kitchen table on the last day of her exhibition ‘Spheres of Concern’ exhibition and experience what happens when art connects with daily life; a home-cooked meal, chit chat about life, the universe and everything and an artist led tour of the exhibition to round off the day.
We look forward to seeing you
Bruce Davies
Director. Curator. Project Manager. Artist. Writer