Online meeting for residents in Holbeck

Beeston & Holbeck Councillors have organised a residents’ meeting for people living in Holbeck on Wednesday 28 October at 6-7:30pm.

This is an opportunity for local residents and businesses to:

  • hear updates on projects in the area,
  • raise issues,
  • discuss and develop projects,
  • have conversations with your ward councillors, police and council services.

The meetings will be held on Zoom which is a free app that you can download for your laptop, tablet or phone.

Click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web browser and follow the instructions by entering the Meeting ID and Passcode when prompted.


Meeting ID: 64263051585

Passcode: 706242

You can also call into the meeting by phoning +44 203 481 5240  and then entering the Meeting ID and Passcode above when prompted.

If you get stuck please follow this link for Zoom help:

For more information email: