Greetings everyone, as we come out of the busy bonfire period and approach the festive seasons I wish to update you all on the work the Inner South Neighbourhood Policing Team has undertaken.
The team, as you will appreciate, has been very busy helping to police a number of events such as bonfire night, remembrance parades and assisting with the protests/vigils in the city. They have however remained dedicated to the work on going in South Leeds.
The team has issued a number of public spaces protection order tickets (PSPO) in relation to the nuisance use of vehicles across South Leeds in particular the ‘car meets’ and use of off road bikes. The team are now all trained in the use of stinger/stop stick which gives them more options and contingencies (in certain circumstances} when dealing with nuisance vehicles.
Anti-social behaviour remains high on my agenda, and we have issued a number of anti social behaviour notices to problem individuals and issued tenancy warnings. I encourage the continued reporting of such things, if we don’t know we cant help.
We have executed a number of warrants under the misuse of drugs act seizing a large quantity of drugs, in turn making an impact into the illicit drugs trade that continues to blight the area. Working in conjunction with our partners in the Leeds Anti-social Behaviour team and Housing we have closed a number of addresses due to anti-social behaviour and rehomed the vulnerable tenants.
All of this is not possible without the help of the communities. I quoted before a saying Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the police, stated that ‘the police are the people and people are the police’ and that saying stands to this day. Without the help of the residents and communities we are not able to do our jobs to the best of our abilities.
I reinforce the message to report, be it crimes taking place, suspicious activity or intelligence. This can be done via the 999 system in emergencies, 101 online system, 101 phone call, or if it’s not a live incident crime stoppers. We do listen and we do act, you may not see immediate action but that can be for a variety of reasons.
As the Christmas period draws closer the team and I will be attending a number of community events and meetings in which we welcome you to speak to us to discuss the ongoing issues you may have or just for a friendly chat.
The police and the partner agencies we work alongside all strive to make South Leeds safe and feeling safe.
This post was written by Insp Mark Lund of the Leeds South Neighbourhood Policing Team
Photo: A car meet on Lowfields Road
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