Ofsted: Hunslet Moor continues to be a Good school

A recent ‘ungraded’ Ofsted inspection has reported today (14 June 2024) that Hunslet Moor Primary School remains a Good school.

Inspectors report that:

“Pupils are proud to attend Hunslet Moor Primary School. They say that adults are kind and keep them safe. Pupils enjoy their lessons and the wider opportunities the school creates, such as clubs, trips to the farm and special events like pyjama day. They appreciate the opportunity to have a free breakfast every day.

“Staff have created a caring and nurturing environment for all pupils. They provide effective support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).”

They go on to say that:

“The school is ambitious to provide a high-quality education, but this is not fully realised across the wider curriculum. The school knows what needs to improve and this work has begun.

“Published assessment data indicates that the proportion of pupils leaving school meeting age-related expectations is low. The school has faced significant challenges since the last inspection. These include assessing and addressing the needs of a large influx of pupils with complex needs. There have also been significant changes in staffing and school leadership. Leaders have worked tirelessly to overcome these challenges. The school’s focused work on the core curriculum is having a positive impact. Pupils’ work in their books and lessons shows that pupils are making good progress and achieving well.”

Responding to the report, Headteacher Hannah Darley commented:

“This year, the development of the wider curriculum has been of significant focus. Our intention and ambition is to continue to develop the teaching and learning across all foundation subjects to ensure it is as impactful of our teaching of early reading, English and Maths. (I’m pleased that) the Inspector took confidence in leaders’ understanding of this and actions that have already been taken.

“On behalf of our Governors and myself, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Hunslet Moor staff and volunteers who often go above and beyond to enable the achievements of our pupils, and the efforts from many members of the school community in supporting and contributing to the work of the School. It is only through such partnership working, that we can achieve the best outcomes for our pupils!”

You can view the full report here.


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