Local residents are this month looking to launch a new project for south Leeds, and want your input and involvement.
The project – called the South Leeds Urban Task Force – will look to mobilise volunteers to tackle practical challenges across LS10 and LS11.
These might be things that need fixing, like fencing or gates; or ginnels, pathways, green spaces, or gardens that need clearing; or small DIY jobs around people’s homes.
Local campaigner Ed Carlisle is pushing the idea, after he and a group of residents pulled together to help hard-pressed residents in Hunslet fix fencing that had been blown down or damaged by the recent storms (pictured). The scheme is based on similar successful schemes elsewhere, in communities including Wortley.
Ed comments:
“We’re not planning on taking on work that’s the rightful responsibility of others like the Council or landlords – but sometimes, for different reasons, work isn’t getting done, and that’s taking its toll on the local community.
“Meanwhile, there are loads of good skilled people locally – who might hopefully be willing to offer small bits of time. There are a lot to practicalities and dynamics to work out with the idea, but it could make such a positive impact if we pull it off.”
There will be an online zoom discussion about the proposal at 8:30pm on Tuesday 15 March. To join that, or for further details, look for South Leeds Urban Task Force on Facebook, or contact Ed on 07738 921277.
Fantastic initiative! Thank you all