We are your local junior football club based at Cardinal Square, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 8HS and need new players between 7-15 years of age to join our club for next season 2014/15.
We currently run a “Soccer School” on a Staurday morning for boys and girls from the age of 5-10 and have a number of teams playing in the Garforth League.
We train and play during the season (days and times will be advised by team managers).
The teams we are hoping to run next season are: U8’s, U9’s, U10’s, U13’s, U14’s and U15’s.
So please if you are interested email alden953@hotmail.co.uk or telephone 07838 231645.
At the same time if there are any parents out there interested in managing/coaching a team please contact the above by email or phone as above.
This article was written by Denise Horsman using our Community Reporters website