My name is Stewart Walton, and I have lived on the Rochefords for several years and enjoy the local community I live in. However, the one regret I have is the lack of green planting within our estate and the litter. So, I’m starting the Friends of Hunslet Gardening Group. The idea is to help residents have some focus on making our bit of Hunslet greener and nicer to live in.
Our initial midterm term aim is to take over the flowerbeds on the Rochefords, Midlands, Sussexs and Hemingways estate, making them easy to keep community gardens. Greenness has been shown to improve people’s health, and with the right plants, clean the air we breathe.
The local Councillors have been very supportive and have offered to help find funding for the project, as has the Housing Advisory Panel if bids are approved. But before we can start to take over some of the flowerbeds, we need to clean them up and make them somewhere healthy to plant.
We’re now planning a monthly litter pick of the Rochefords, Midland’s, Sussex’s and Hemingway’s on the 3rd Saturday of every month between 12pm and 1pm starting on Saturday 16 March 2019. We will meet at Rocheford Close. Cllr Wray has kindly organised litter picking equipment for us from the Council.
Cllr Paul Wray said of the project:
“This is the type of small-scale project that can make a big different. The lack green planting and litter are frustrating for residents. So, the community coming together to help make a difference is vital. We know cleaner communities, with green planting to break up the tarmac and concreate of our estates improves local health and welling, provides a place for wild life to call home, and cleans the air. Working together, the Council and residents can make a lasting difference.
If you want to get involved, please call me on 07771 497127 or email: smwalton16@googlemail.com.
This post was written by Stewart Walton
Photo: Rocheford Close via Google Streetview
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