On Thursday 6 May 2021, Middleton Scout Group had their first in-person class in over a year. Taking place in socially distanced conditions in the outdoor area at Manorfield Hall in Middleton, there were smiles all round as the children and leaders were reunited once more after a challenging year. It may have been 6:40pm in the evening, but everyone in attendance was full of energy and enthusiasm for the first face-to-face session.
Like many of us, the Group had to move their meetings online for a while whilst restrictions were in place. They had many exciting zoom sessions consisting of activities ranging from cooking to planting seeds and everything in between. The children certainly enjoyed themselves but it’s safe to say that nothing quite beats the excitement of attending a meeting in person; especially if it’s the first one in over twelve months. During the session, the Cubs took part in an interesting task involving them moving around bases and solving clues which in turn allowed them to crack a code to a padlock. Protected by the padlock were prizes, but the best prize of all was them all being together again for some socially-distanced fun. It may have rained but even the bad weather couldn’t spoil a great evening.
The leaders were just as happy as the children to be making a return to non-virtual meetings.
“We’re really happy to be back face-to-face” said Vikki, the Beaver Section Leader. “After a year of being on zoom it’s so nice to see all the children’s smiling faces again.”
This was clearly a sentiment shared by all those in attendance.
Middleton Cubs and Beavers Scouting Groups are always on the lookout for new members.
Cubs is for 8 to 10½ year olds and at the moment runs 6:40-7:30pm, whereas Beavers is for 6 to 8 year olds and currently runs 5:30-6:20pm. Both take place at Manorfield Hall Community Centre, which is situated on Newhall Road in Middleton (LS10 3RR).
Sessions run every Thursday during term time. If your child would like the chance to learn some valuable skills whilst having fun and making new friends, then go ahead and get in touch! You can do so through the Facebook page 3rd South Leeds & Morley Middleton Scout Group (@3rdMiddleton). Alternatively you can email scoutsmiddleton@gmail.com.