The James Farrell Concert Band is currently recruiting new players in all sections of the band. We are a wind band, woodwind, brass and percussion. we especially need a new drummer, we own our own kit.
We meet at Dewsbury Road Social Club LS11 5RL on Tuesday evenings 7:45-10pm. Subs are £8 a month or £96 per annum, uniform supplied.
We play all around Leeds, but would consider further afield within reasonable travelling distance. We played at Lotherton Hall this summer. We play a wide variety of music. We play for the community in parks, fairs, for charity, local/family events.
Would you like us to play? for more information see our website jfconcertband.com or call (0113) 293 1779 and leave a message on my answerphone, please speak slowly.
This post was written by Lesley Mais
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