As previously reported, new car parking charges have come into force at Leeds Urban Bike Park, Middleton Park, along with four other parks across the city.
The Bike Park, which is a not-for-profit social enterprise, says it’s dismayed that the charges will hit its after-school clubs and social activities. As it depends on income from its cafe and bike shop, it is encouraging existing users to carry on using its facilities.
Writing on Facebook, the Bike Park has said:
“As most are aware Leeds City Council will impose parking charges in the carpark. We aren’t opposed to a parking fee but we are when it affects our community groups who will have to pay up to 8pm.
We will be the only facility in South Leeds where it will cost extra to park when attending after school clubs, social events, pop in for a coffee, wait to get a puncture fixed etc etc etc ……
As a Not-for-Profit Organisation with responsibility to manage the facility on the back of people buying a coffee or getting their bike fixed, a slight drop in income in what is already a very challenging area, will leave us unable to for-fill our contract with the council.
Unable to deliver the community club sessions for £1 or react to first aid incidents and provide public toilets, all out of cafe income.
I hope all our regular none bike riding customers are still able to support us through the week. We rely on every penny spent in the cafe or shop to keep us open.
Hope to see you all soon.
Well said Nicola and Jeremy, at Leeds Urban Bike Park saying not being able to deliver club sessions and provide public toilets. If work is needed on Public Toilets send bill to LCC.
Re: Parkrun, I’m still waitng to see if parkrunners on a Saturday will be exempt from car park charges if they put their bar codes in their car window. I understand there is one parkrun in the area where this arrangement applies.
The parkrun run directors spend more than two hours at the park, so will pay £2.50 to park, as they have to set up and set down after the run finishes.
It’s long been promised that the car park would be fully tarmacked, but a large section remains in a muddy state. The council says the new charges will go towards improvements, so let’s hope this work is finally done.
I go to the café at Leeds Urban Bike Park when I can, and can recommend the Penisoners Breakfast at £6. You can add a luxury coffee for £1 extra.
The café can be booked for special events such as birthday parties, or disco nights. I had my last birthday party there and can I say it was the best buffet I have ever had at any event. The music was brillant as well.
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The additional car parking charge means that people will now use alternative parking methods like parking on Gypsy Lane and walking up that way. The area is already congested with cars to and from the school / evening sports club / cricket club. The parking on the grass verge has ruined the grass making it a mud bath- mainly with dog walkers parking to go into the woods.
It might only be £1 but that is £1 people shouldn’t need to spend to access green spaces.
This group do incredible activities and it helps keeps kids entertained and off the streets, in a time when the likes of knife crime is at a all time high. You should be ashamed Leeds City Council.
Such an odd location to implement a charge, it makes you wonder if there’s ulterior motive.
Have the council considered the area outside the actual car park – which (as has been the situation on previous occasions when the car park has been full) will have cars/vans etc parked all over the grassed area leading to the car park which will be ruined in no time. Also traffic not wanting to pay and park will be parking in the streets to the houses opposite the car park to the urban bike park. Will these houses be issued with “£parking permits” to ensure they can park their vehicles to their own properties without being inundated with other vehicle uses who are in the bike park??