Kristina Nenova: Wintering -Pickling as Art Practice

Preview Thursday 26th September 2024
5:30 – 8:30pm

28 Back Burton Terrace, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 5JH

Wintering is a practice I observed and admired as a child, leaving me with endearing memories of basements being coloured by jars of preserves – preparing for the sparse and uncertain times of colder seasons.

The jars hold the recipes and advice given to you by older women in your life, the knowledge passed down to you, their hope that it doesn’t disappear with them. They contain and display your thoughts, your undiscussed fears, your fading memories; staying on shelves, in cupboards or boxes until you need them, until you hand them to a neighbour, to a friend, to a stranger, or maybe to someone visiting your show.

The exhibition places importance on the way knowledge is passed down within families, the preservation of fading distant memories and highlights the urgency of now.

Kristina Nenova is a Bulgarian Artist currently based in South Leeds. She is making work around the anxieties and changes to the act of passing down traditions, family belongings and memories in the context of migration and queerness.


Friday 27th September 10am – 2pm
Saturday 28th September 10am – 2pm
Sunday 29th September 10am – 2pm
Monday 30th September 10am – 2pm
Tuesday 1st October 10am – 2pm
Wednesday 2nd October 12- 8pm

Monday 7th October 10am – 2pm
Tuesday 8th October 10am – 2pm
Wednesday 9th October 12- 8pm
Thursday 10th October 10am – 2pm
Friday 11th October 10am – 2pm
Saturday 12th October 10am – 2pm
Sunday 13th October 10am – 2pm

Friday 18th October 10am – 2pm
Saturday 19th October 10am – 2pm
Sunday 20th October 10am – 2pm
Monday 21st October 10am – 2pm
Tuesday 22nd October 10am – 2pm
Wednesday 23rd October 12- 8pm
Thursday 24th October 10am – 2pm

If you want to visit but cannot make our opening hours then text on 0750 672 1504 and I can arrange to open up at other times Or email me on

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