Ken Ingram is an active member of the community in South Leeds, he regularly attends charity and community events. He also organises a weekly walk around Belle Isle and Middleton. On a Saturday morning he can usually be found running and walking his way around Cross Flatts parkrun.
On Saturday (17 September 2016) he completed his 100th parkrun. It was also his last parkrun due to a long standing injury. He won’t be stopping altogether though as he plans to continue attending as a volunteer.
There was a real party atmosphere at Cross Flatts with banners, balloons, cakes and chocolate. The run director included Ken’s achievement in his pre run speech, Ken also said a few words to thank people who had supported him along the way.
Ken attended parkrun for the first time on 22 March 2014, he finished in 58 minutes 44 seconds. His fastest ever time was 44 minutes which is a great improvement. This week he finished in 49 minutes and 47 seconds. Ken’s achievements are made even more impressive due to him having to cope with a number of health problems, he has soldiered through at times when I personally would have stayed in bed.
All the regulars at Cross Flatts know Ken and the faster runners could be heard to shout words of encouragement as they passed him. A lot of the runners waited at the finish line to greet him, he was cheered over the line by a crowd of runners and volunteers. The finish straight was lined with well-wishers all cheering for him. That is the spirit of parkrun, friendliness and support and I’m sure the pioneers would be very proud to see the support given week on week.
Phil Hodgson, one of the parkrun organisers has posted this video on YouTube:
Fantastic write up by Amanda, known to her friends as Mini-Bird. I have known Amanda and her husband for more years than I can remember going back when a group of us would meet up to watch Hunslet Hawks.
I went to Mini Birds party, when Amanda passed all her exams to be a Nurse, now a Nursing Sister.
I would like to thank Phil in organising the bunting and pictures, video on u-tube.
Thanks, Betty for making the cake and Ray her husband for taking some fantastic photos.
There are far too many people to thank personally you know who you are. Thank you all
I will be at Temple Newsome next Saturday for my annual Memory walk for Alzheimer’s.
Please give on my just giving page, to date only £10.00 sponsored.
Week after that will be back at Cross Flatts parkrun as a marshal and take photos for the annual Christmas party.
Take care see you all soon Ken.