Hunslet school moves up the Ofsted ratings

St Mary’s C of E Primary Academy in Hunslet is celebrating after their most recent Ofsted inspection graded them as improved in all areas, with three areas now judged as ‘Good’. The school, which joined the Collaborative Learning Trust in 2020, was one of the first schools in the country to be inspected under the new Ofsted inspection regime introduced this September.

The inspection report recognises and celebrates the impressive improvement journey since the school was judged inadequate in December 2018. It specifically praises the significant school support provided by the Collaborative Learning Trust School Improvement Team, together with the Diocese.

Inspectors were complimentary about the wider education provision at St Mary’s. The report states:

“Pupils benefit from a comprehensive and age-appropriate personal development programme. They are taught how to keep themselves safe, including online. They learn about important issues such as relationships and equality and diversity. The school promotes pupils’ physical and mental health through sport and outdoor activities. The school prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain.”

The report also highlighted how the school really does live out its vision, ‘Let your light shine’:

  • ‘The school is welcoming and inclusive to all. It has a genuine spirit of community.’
  • ‘The school has high aspirations for what pupils can achieve.’
  • ‘Pupils show kindness and respect to each other. They form positive relationships with staff and feel safe.’

Inspectors also recognised the improvements the school had made in attendance.

Headteacher Elizabeth McDonagh said:

“There is much to celebrate and be very proud of thanks to the hard work and relentless commitment of the staff and governors, as well as our fantastic partnerships with parents/carers. We recognise there is still much to be done to continue our school improvement journey for our children and remain fully focused and committed to ensuring our children receive the best possible care, education, opportunities and love at St Mary’s.“

CEO of the Collaborative Learning Trust, Janet Sheriff said:

“This is a really positive report, reflecting the improvement journey over the last four years and aligning well with our own self-evaluation of the school’s strengths and areas for further development. It shows how, when a community wraps itself around a school – staff, governors, parents and carers, the Trust and Diocese – it will bring benefits for the pupils and families in that community. I am hugely proud of the hard work and commitment of so many staff – it is this has enabled the positive change at St Mary’s. We are already tackling the remaining areas for improvement and look forward to the next stage of the school’s development.”

Parents and Carers who are interested in a school place for their child and would like to visit St Mary’s can ring the School Office on 0113 271 7204.

You can read the full Ofsted report here.


This post is based on a press release issued by the Collaborative Learning Trust


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