A community sports club in Hunslet is celebrating a £2,000 cash boost thanks to Leeds Federated Housing Association.
Hunslet Green Community Sports Club, home to the Hunslet Warriors amateur rugby league club, received £1,934 towards the cost of new showers through the Fed’s Residents Amenity Fund.
The club managed to raise £3,150 towards the cost of replacing the showers in all four changing rooms, but still fell short of the full amount required.
Club volunteer, Pam Crosby, said:
“We were so delighted to receive this funding, we couldn’t quite believe it. We are totally self-funded, so this is a huge amount for us.
“The club is smack bang in the middle of Hunslet, which is quite a deprived area. There is a large rugby pitch, a small one and also a football pitch and is really the only green space in Hunslet. It is the centre of the community and we are all like one big family. We’ve seen people grow up here.”
The club operates 10 junior, two youth, and two open-age teams involving 200 young people in the community. Its purpose is to involve youngsters in the area, and their parents, in sports and other community activities.
A further £15,000 worth of funding is now available for local projects and community groups in the area through the Residents Amenity Fund.
So far the funding has supported many projects including community gardens, a martial arts group, community centres and a community radio station.
The fund is open to all residents, not just Leeds Fed’s tenants, as long as applicants can show that the project or initiative will benefit the housing association’s tenants and the communities in which they live.
For more details about the fund and how to apply contact Joanne Gardner, customer involvement manager on 0113 386 1030, email joanne.gardner@lfha.co.uk or call into the Leeds Fed reception.