Thanks to everyone who helped make the Hunslet Club Older Peoples’ Community Christmas Party a huge success, a great time was enjoyed by all and our members did us proud with some heartwarming carol singing, thanks too to the community of South Leeds for responding so well to our appeal for hamper goods to send the older people home with.

Thanks also to everyone who came and support the fantastic Hunslet Club Christmas Shows this year, ‘Back To The 80’s’
They took place: Saturday 10th December, 7:30pm and Sunday 11th December, 12:00 noon and included children and young people who attend the club weekly to learn breakdancing, ballet, cheerleading, Irish dance, musical theatre, singing, gymnastics and hip hop at one of the largest youth clubs in the country.

Then after the Sunday performance came the Hunslet Club Annual Christmas Party, loads of fun and games, a great time had by all and Father Christmas himself took time out of his busy schedule to come along too, thanks to him and all his helpers for making this so special!
Any children or young people in South Leeds interested in learning to sing, dance or perform should check out for further information.