Community stalwart Dennis Kitchen has sent us this reminder of an event to help decide the future of Holbeck…
I am writing to let you know that the next meeting of the Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum will be held on Monday 10th December starting at 6.30 p.m. and finishing by 8.00 p.m. at the Holbeck Working Men’s Club. The club is open to all and is on Jenkinson Lawn, just off Holbeck Moor Road. Light refreshments will be available from 6.15 p.m. onwards.
At the last meeting we agreed the boundary for the Holbeck Neighbourhood Plan.
At the next meeting you will have an opportunity to discuss what issues you want to be covered by the Neighbourhood Plan and hear about progress.
We will also be talking about the outline plans for new homes to be built on the cleared site on Brown Lane East and the Runswicks and I am sure that you will be very interested in this.
The Holbeck Neighhourhood Plan provides a great opportunity for all those who live, work or do business in Holbeck to help shape the area and I hope you will get involved. Please encourage your friends and neighbours to come to the Forum.
I hope to see you at the meeting on Monday 10th December.