People in Middleton and Belle Isle are being asked to share their views on the expansion of Sharp Lane Primary School.

The council says the proposed expansion is part of a city-wide programme which is necessary to meet the increased demand for primary-age places caused by a rising birth rate and an increase in the number of families moving into certain areas of the city.
Proposals under consideration include:
• The expansion of Sharp Lane Primary School, Middleton, from 420 pupils to 630 pupils (60 admission limit extended to 90).
Councillor Judith Blake, a Middleton councillor and executive board member for children’s services at Leeds City Council, said:
“The increased demand for primary school places means we have to reassess the size of certain schools to ensure there will be places available to every child.
“Before making these decisions we are asking for the views of the public to gauge opinion as well as consulting with head teachers and governors at the schools involved. These expansions will ensure that children in these areas of Leeds will have the best possible start to their learning.”
The formal consultation period ends on Friday 19 October. The council’s executive board will make the final decision as to whether to proceed with the proposals. If they get the go ahead the changes will take place in September 2014.
There is a public consultation document on each proposal which is available to download from or hard copies can be requested from Capacity Planning and Sufficiency Team, 10th Floor West, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8DT or e-mail
A public meeting was held last week at Sharp Lane. Other schools across the city to be considered for expansion include Little London, Tranmere Park and Rufford Park.
“These expansions will ensure children in these areas will get the best possible start to their learning”. Sounds like the consultation is pointless. Why will expanding a primary school improve provision? Why not build a new primary school near Sharp Lane Plantation iinstead of sticking more houses there?