Guided walk tells the story of Broom Pit

The Friends of Middleton Park are hosting a free guided walk on Sunday (30 June 2024) looking at the history of Broom Pit and explore the land where the pit once stood.

Although much of the area was landfilled and landscaped after the mine closed in 1968 there are still a few remnants of
mining history.

There are also great views across Leeds. Areas of grassland have been allowed to grow wild with mown paths giving a more interesting look to the area now. Some bits can get muddy so sensible shoes or boots are recommended.

The walk starts from the Visitor Centre by the lake, meeting at 1:30pm, no booking necessary. The walk is are free but there will be a collection bucket at the visitor centre and donations to the Friends are always appreciated. The walk should take around 1½ to 2 hours.


This post is based on a press release issued by the Friends of Middleton Park


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