Discussing topics such as caring for your elderly parents, grief and growing older, can be difficult to explore at the best of times but they will be addressing these topics head on in a trilogy of plays across Leeds in October and November.
The first, Fighting For Life, will be performed on Friday (25 October 2019) at St Matthew’s Community Centre in Holbeck.
The play explores the pressures of modern life and supporting elderly parents. The story examines the dilemma facing a couple’s middle-aged children about how to access the best treatment and care – will their parents be forced to live separately after a 60-year marriage and how will their health issues be monitored?
The plays have all been written by Brian Daniels. Based in Leeds, Brian is an award-winning playwright and frequently commissioned to write about difficult topics – bringing them to life through performance.
The plays have been commissioned and presented by Westward Care, the company that runs Pennington Court care home in Beeston. Westward Care encourage an active cultural programme at all of their locations and work with local community groups such as Holbeck Elderly Aid (HEA).
There will be a post-show discussion with the writer Brian Daniels, Westward Care Managing Director Peter Hodkinson and Elissa Newman, CEO of HEA.
Any donations on the door will be passed onto HEA.
Performances are FREE but booking is essential. Book tickets here.
Fighting for Life – 2pm – Friday 25 October 2019, St Matthews Community Centre, Holbeck