Ever wanted to make an animation? Build a life-sized architectural structure? Produce experimental music with field recordings? Or help paint a mural? This August, Rowland Road Working Men’s Club are hosting a number of free, creative workshops and community events including a car boot sale.
Introduction to Animation with Leeds Animation Workshop
Monday 12 & 19 August, 1-5pm, 18+
Sign up: www.leedsinspired.co.uk/events/introduction-animation
Introduction to Sound Art with Eleanor Cully from Yorkshire Sound Women’s Network
Wednesday 14 August, 1-5pm, 12+
Sign up: www.leedsinspired.co.uk/events/introduction-sound-art
Mural Painting
Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 August, 12noon onwards
Drop by the club to see the mural take shape and if your interested – give the artists a hand!
Introduction to Social Architecture with Studio Polpo
Monday 26 August, 1-5pm, all ages
Sign up: www.leedsinspired.co.uk/events/introduction-social-architecture
Car Boot Sale and Barbecue
Monday 26 August, 10am-5pm
Enquiries or bookings (table top or a car spot): stephen.firth@hotmail.co.uk
*more information to come on South Leeds Life
Exhibition of art work by Sophie Chapman + Kerri Jefferis
Wednesday 28 August, 7pm onwards
All welcome, artists will share what they have made whilst living in Beeston
*more information to come on South Leeds Life
The creative workshops are all free to attend and will explore social histories of the area and animated filmmaking, collective architectural building and creative sound production. The workshops form part of a range of activities Sophie Chapman and Kerri Jefferis have been carrying out with the Rowland Road whilst living at Artist House 45 in Beeston.
The activity has been generously supported by: Rowland Road Working Men’s Club, Leeds Inspired, Arts Council England and East Street Arts. Each workshop has a sign up process for participating (via the links above) in order to prioritise Beeston-based people. The sessions do not require any previous knowledge or know how as the workshop leaders will aid people through the creative process!
You can find out more about Artist House 45 here and keep up to date with Sophie and Kerri’s work via East Street Arts Instagram @eaststreetarts.
Rowley’s (or, Rowland Road Working Men’s Club) is a community space and social club run and owned cooperatively by its members in Beeston for over 100 years. Rowley’s was set up by a group of enthusiasts in 1911 that wanted a space to socialise and relax at the end of a long day. Since, it’s survived two world wars, been highly commended in ‘clubland’ and seen many, many changes over the years. In 1969 the members made enough money to buy the club and made refurbishments to collectively create what you see today. Now in 2019 we are working to make the outside more friendly to our neighbours with a new mural and plants as well as expand our offer to welcome in those who might not have been to a club before. By doing this we hope to broaden the membership and continue to run this valued, community-led resource for the next 100 years!
Rowley’s is much more than just a bar and is no longer solely for ‘working men’. It is a safe, community space to open to all to bring your friends and family (children are welcome) and meet your neighbours. Once a member you benefit from discounts to room hire where you can host celebrations such as weddings and birthdays as well as meetings, gigs, events, fundraisers and social groups. Rowley’s is open seven days a week. Mon-Thurs 6-11pm, Fri-Sun 4-11pm. Weekends it has live entertainment, bingo and raffles. Pop in to visit and take a look around any night of the week or get in touch if you would like to join!
All my family used Rowland Road Club since the mid 1940’s. First my Dad became a member when we lived in Sunbeam Avenue, near the top of Rowland Road. Later my brothers and my first husband joined the club, as did friends and neighbours. Myself, and all our families used to go in the club regularly, women and children mainly at weekends, when it was more of a family affair. If we could get a babysitter, we could have a good Saturday night in the club, enjoying one of the many ‘turns’ in the best room. (Musn’t forget the elderly lady with lots of make up on, who played the piano, did they call her Ethel?? )
I had my 1st Wedding Reception there, and my son also had his wedding reception at Rowland Road. It was often the ‘go to’ place after a christening or funeral.
It really was a ‘Working Men’s Club’ when men would call in for a few pints on their own, or to play billiards/darts/dominoes etc especially during the week.
Years ago women were not allowed in the games room. (I think the men loved the fact that it was the one room where they could get away from ‘the missus!’) On Darts & dominoes night it was men only in that room. If the ladies wanted to join in with the dominoes they had to play on tables in the big room, or the ‘snug’ room. This rule was finally changed when more ladies became members, and they formed a darts & doms’ team of there own.
The annual trip to the seaside was brilliant, first using trains, then later the transport was buses, all lined up on Rowland Road, waiting to go to the seaside. All the kids & their parents had a good day out, with free ice creams for the kids (and beer for the adults!) A good time was had by all. The kids came back tired and a bit dishevelled, and the Dads where usually a little ‘merry’ after finishing off the crates of beer on the way home! They also organised bonfire parties, Christmas parties, adults seaside trips etc.
I remember the old club, which was set much further forward near the main road, with just a low wall around it, passing it on school days as I walked down to Rowland Road school.
Another thing I remember though (& my hu by agrees) is that we never called it Rowley’s, neither did any of my family or friends, we always called it Rowland Road Club!