1. At least fifty breaches of managed approach in last two weeks
In the Open Forum, where any resident can raise issues, Matthew Sullivan from the Save Our Eyes Facebook Group told the meeting of their work in helping Holbeck residents record and report incidents of prostitutes working outside the managed area. They have recorded 50 incidents in the last two weeks alone and are concerned that the approach is not being managed.
Cllr Adam Ogilvie reported that he had met with Chief Superintendent Paul Money of West Yorkshire Police to raise the same concerns. The Police have been short staffed, but posts are now being filled. He also announced that senior officers from the Council and Police would be holding a public meeting for residents of Holbeck on Tuesday 3 October.
2. Children are in care because they have been abused or neglected
There was a presentation to the meeting about Corporate Parenting – the role of Leeds City Council in bringing up children in its care, or looked after children. A common perception is that these children have been taken into care because of their bad behaviour, but the truth is that these children have been neglected or abused in some way.
There are currently 117 children in the care of the local authority living in Inner South Leeds. The vast majority are fostered with a relative or friend, or through the Council’s foster scheme. Three live at the Cherry Trees children’s home in Middleton, which has recently been graded as Outstanding by Ofsted.
3. ‘Halos’ on Zebra crossing lights cost £2,000
Flashing amber halo lights are to be fitted to two zebra crossings on Elland Road near the Leeds United ground, following a recent accident when a pedestrian was hit by a car whilst using one of the crossings. The Community Committee agreed to spend £4,000 on the measure from its wellbeing capital budget.
4. More flower beds will be provided by Instaplanta
Instaplanta is a private company that provides flower planters paid for by advertising. There have been issues about the location of previous planters, but now a protocol has been reached to agree new sites with the Area Support Team liaising with the Highways and Parks departments.
The advantages of the scheme is that more flower planting can take place in the community at no cost to the Council or to In Bloom groups. A further 12 planters are expected to be installed up to March 2018.
5. There will be a young peoples’ summit at Elland Road
Young people in South Leeds will be invited to an event at Elland Road’s Centenery Pavilion in January or February 2018 to debate the issues that matter to them with Councillors.
The Leeds United Foundation will also be delivering young ambassador programmes in Beeston and Middleton with funding provided by Councillors from the Wellbeing Fund.
The Inner South Community Committee is made up of our nine local Councillors and met last Wednesday (6 September 2017) at Middleton Community Centre. You can find more details on the Leeds City Council website here.