11 March 2025

Here is a list of all the candidates standing in Hunslet & Riverside ward for election to Leeds City Council on Thursday 2 May 2024.

We have contacted all the candidates to ask them about why they are standing and what their policies are. We will publish their answers as they send them in so keep checking back to compare answers and make your choice.

Watch the online hustings meeting we held for Hunslet & Riverside ward here. All the candidates were invited and we put readers’ questions to them.


Benjamin Thomas Hanley DALE

Liberal Democrats

Address in Leeds*


Oisín Conor DUNCAN

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Flat 04 Victoria House, 8 Victoria Road, LS6 1FE

I’ve lived in Leeds for two years with my partner, I’m a member of the BFAWU trade union having worked in the hospitality sector.

TUSC are campaigning against the ongoing austerity facing residents in Leeds – yet again we are being asked in this years council budget to pay more for less.

There is a crisis of local government funding, which needs radical change. But saying this is not enough – the council needs to act. It should work with trade unions and community groups to demand the funding for the services we need, and in the meantime use its reserves and borrowing powers to maintain services in the short-term rather than putting an extra £3m into council reserves in this year’s budget.

I am particularly supporting the campaign to Save Little Owls nurseries established by parents across the city. Three Little Owls nurseries in Riverside and Hunslet ward are under threat of transfer to other providers, including potential privatisation. These are Hunslet Ryelstone, Hunslet St Mary’s and City & Holbeck – I would encourage everyone to sign the parents petition – www.change.org/savelittleowls

Unfortunately – none of the opposition parties on the council even tried to put amendments opposing these cuts in the Labour council’s budget.

I have also been taking part in demonstrations against the brutal onslaught on Gaza. The tragedy of innocent civilians in Israeli being killed on the 7th October, has been compunded by the over 30,000 now dead in Gaza. The opposition of political leaders like Sunak and Starmer to a ceasefire until recently, and still supporting arms sales to Israel – shows the need on this issue as well for political change.

Vote TUSC on 2nd May


Mohammed IQBAL

Labour & Co-operative Party

Address in Leeds*

I’ve worked hard for residents since I was first elected, and it has been a privilege to do so. I’ve dedicated myself to helping people, enhancing public services, and making a tangible difference to people in Hunslet, Beeston, Leeds City Centre, and our riverside communities—all despite Tory-imposed cuts.

I’ve carried out local charity work during my time of service, supporting charities involved in health, education, and wellbeing. I’m proud to be the Chair of Trustees for the Hamara Centre, and it was an honour to be our Lord Mayor and to bring our communities together at a time of need.

I came into politics after witnessing the impact of violent crime and being determined to protect others from it. As the Chair of the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel, I ensured the voice of victims was heard by those in a position to make a difference.

In recent years I’ve improved our parks, such as Brickfield, Trentham, Church Street, and more, in hundreds of new litter bins and community litter picking kits, and I’ve created a network of grit bins in our estates.

I hope you will vote for me and allow me to continue to serve.



The Conservative Party candidate

Address in Leeds*



Green Party

Address in Leeds*

I’ve lived, worked, and volunteered locally my whole life. We face many challenges here – but there are so many good people taking action for change. It’s been a privilege working with many of them over the past 15+ years, on projects, campaigns, and events.

I wasn’t previously interested in politics – but I’ve supported and championed hundreds of local people, businesses, and organisations over the years. It’d be a huge honour to represent our communities on the Council, alongside Councillor Ed Carlisle – and it would enable me to do even more.

We’ve been dominated for too long by the big two parties – but locally and nationally, both are tired and out-of-touch. They’re failing us. Meanwhile, people are hungry for a better, fairer, hands-on politics – and the Green Party are growing fast, and punching far above their weight.

There’s lots to do – but together, we can develop a positive cooperative politics, build community voice and power, and make things better. Get in touch anytime, and let’s work together. Many thanks if you can support us on 2nd May, and enable us to double our local impact.

Omar Mushtaq (Green Party) for Hunslet and Riverside: omar.mushtaq@leeds.greenparty.org.uk / 07495584829.



Social Democratic Party

Address in Leeds*

Hello there.

My name is Daniel Whetstone and I am representing the Social Democratic Party in the Local election this year.
I’ve lived in Leeds my whole life and in South Leeds for nearly 15 years now.

The SDP is committed to maintenance of a high-quality public realm. Graffiti, vandalism, and anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated, with perpetrators subject to exemplary and visible community service orders. This is an SDP policy, and when I think of Hunslet, this feels the most relevant thing to me.

If elected, my first task would be to pursue the Highways agency to try and expedite the road repairs required, because it is not just some side roads on some estates, its nearly all the roads, large and small, all across the ward. They fall far below what I would consider an acceptable standard!

There are some very positive groups and organisations within the community already, I would look to support them and to try to help develop any in areas not already covered that the community requires.

Thank you for considering voting for me and the SDP ideals to listen to and help support the community, more can be found here at SDP.ORG.UK.


*In England, if a candidate has requested not to make their home address public, the relevant electoral area in which their home address is situated (or country if their address is outside the UK) will be provided.