Having followed Leeds United since the early 1960s I was delighted to see the new statue of Don Revie erected outside the ground. It is situated in a prominent position on Lowfields Road, just below where the old Holbeck Cricket ground once stood.
Although it is several years since I was a regular at Elland Road, it was pleasing to find the statue on Lowfields Road since I spent many hours standing on the terracing on that side of the ground during the Revie era. We had to endure everything that that the British climate could throw at us in those days – there was no cover to protect us. It was worth it though; the Revie team was probably one of the best club sides there has ever been in the UK.
However, this is not the first tribute to the Don (although it is the most impressive). There is also a road off Elland Road near to the ground named after him.
In addition to the statue, there are also a number plaques donated by several people as a tribute to Don Revie which give some indication of the esteem in which he is held.
It is unfortunate that one of them contains a typographical error (can you spot it?). Or maybe it’s deliberate? I think it should be corrected at the earliest opportunity – it will only give the detractors an opportunity to say that the club couldn’t even get that right.