Community spirit has been to the fore in Middleton as residents have come together to condemn recent dangerous driving incidents in the area. Local councillors Kim Groves, Judith Blake and Paul Truswell have been working proactively alongside partners including the Police and local schools to tackle the problem and to send the message that this behaviour will not be accepted in Middleton.
The affected area of Middleton has been recently covered with a comprehensive 20 mph speed limit on the majority of its residential streets and new CCTV cameras will be installed in the worst-affected areas. Launch events for the new speed limit included active travel and road safety education staged at two local primary schools. The children helped prepare publicity materials promoting slower speeds including road signs, banners and leaflets.
Middleton Park Councillor Kim Groves said:
“Myself and my ward colleagues Judith Blake and Paul Truswell are sending a clear message that this behaviour will not be tolerated in Middleton and Belle Isle. We are thankful for the ongoing support of residents through these difficulties. What the past weeks have shown is that the community is stronger than the reckless behaviour of a few individuals.
“I am hopeful that the publicity materials produced by our primary school children will send a strong message to drivers to adhere to the residential speed limits as well as helping children stay safe on their journey to school.”
“Over the past month we have secured additional funding for CCTV on those roads with the highest number of incidents to monitor anti-social behaviour. Speed indicator devices will be implemented on six further roads as part of our plan to deal with this issue.”