Pupils from Cockburn School in Beeston achieved excellent results this summer against a national and local backdrop that saw exams get harder and a fall in the number of students achieving the top grades.
The school is celebrating getting its highest ever exam results with almost 58% of students achieving 5 A* – C including English and maths. Progress students make at Cockburn is exceptional and continues to be much higher than national averages. The Government’s new measure of school performance is Progress 8 and current calculations indicate that it is likely that yet again, the Department for Education will recognise Cockburn for their excellent progress compared to other schools nationally.
Some pupils in Year 11 achieved above and beyond with grade A* – A in at least 8 subjects this year. Special congratulations go to one student in particular, Nadia Begum achieved A* in 9 GCSE qualifications.
Dave Westwell, Chair of Governors at Cockburn School wrote to the staff at Cockburn praising their “true team effort in producing these results”. He went on to say “Thank you once again on behalf of all those young people who have benefitted greatly by being a part of Cockburn for the past five years. I’m very confident that your commitment and effort on behalf of the next year groups coming through will be just as great”.