The folks at South Leeds Academy have plenty to celebrate this week. The school is set for national recognition for a scheme promoting sport and healthy living across south Leeds.
Se an excerpt from a school letter from principal Colette Jones below:
“I am delighted to inform you that Helen Holdsworth, School Games Organiser and TSLA PE Teacher Release, has secured a prestigious opportunity for us.
“Helen has worked for the past eight months to create an opportunity to celebrate and promote sport and healthy living across the south of Leeds. This has culminated in a joint event at The John Charles Centre for Sport on 28th June 2012. Helen has recruited The South Leeds Academy students as the leaders on the event. Primary schools across the south are taking groups of students to this.
“Lloyds TSB National Sport have been so impressed by this initiative that they want to showcase this as an example of outstanding practice. There will only be three other such events in the country. There will be national press coverage.
“As you will understand I am very proud of this recognition and it is well deserved for Helen. This opportunity to put South Leeds on the map is to be celebrated.”
And year 11 is holding an art exhibition on Monday, May 28, at the academy, from 3.30 until 6pm. See the poster below:
The school also reports that Ofsted inspectors visited earlier this month.
It’s great to see one of our local schools doing so much good work!