You are invited to attend a community exhibition for us to share our early thoughts about a vibrant new housing, business, leisure and shopping area in Holbeck, in the heart of South Bank Leeds.
The event will be held at the Holbeck Working Men’s Club, Jenkinson Lawn, Leeds LS11 9QX on Wednesday 27 July from 5pm until 8pm.
CEG is committed to delivering dynamic new places in Leeds. We are on-site with the exciting £400 million Kirkstall Forge development which is transforming a former heavy industrial site into homes, offices, shops and leisure facilities, along with delivery of a new rail station.
Here at South Bank and Holbeck, we’re proposing (amongst other things) to:
- Improve connections – to make it easier and more attractive to walk or cycle from Holbeck to our development, the nearby railway station and the city centre;
- Provide a wide range of new local job and skills training opportunities – alongside Burberry’s proposed new manufacturing facility we will create new jobs in business spaces, cafes, bars, restaurants and shops as well as the many construction jobs along the way;
- Create a safe, family-friendly environment where families can live and visit – we will include well-designed family apartments, green spaces and public plazas that are appealing and well-lit;
- Deliver a new world-class location for the south west of the city centre that combines living, working, shopping, eating and drinking with attractive places to walk, rest and enjoy.
We held exhibitions in our buildings in June 2016 and also attended the Holbeck Gala. Join us at our event on the 27 July for free refreshments and an opportunity to find out more about our exciting plans for CEG: South Bank and to tell us what you would like to see happen in Holbeck.
Be a part of this exciting development, visit our event and tell us how you would like to see Holbeck change.
For further information contact Laura Kenny on 01423 875175 or email laura.kenny@ceg.co.uk
Further information is available on our website www.cegsouthbank.co.uk
Holbeck Working Men’s Club is organising a number of events – for more information visit: www.facebook/holbeckwmleeds
This post was written by Laura Kenny using our Create an article for South Leeds Life page.