Bumps and Babes are thrilled to be running their ‘Bumps and Buggy Fit’ sessions for the third time at Middleton Park over the Summer, as part of a portfolio of health, fitness and education programmes they deliver throughout Leeds.
Sharon Wilkinson and Shelley Madden (Specialist Midwives for Bumps and Babes and Directors of the not-for-profit Natal Health company) say:
“We are so pleased to be working in partnership with Leeds Let’s Get Active once again to offer these FREE sessions for pregnant and new mothers with their babies”
“We are passionate about keeping women active in pregnancy and following birth and appreciate the challenges and barriers to uptaking appropriate physical activity around this time”
Bumps and Buggy sessions are more than just a walk in the park! Sharon and Shelley know the changes and challenges to women’s bodies surrounding childbirth and are champions for safe, effective exercise in the pre and postnatal period, and want to raise awareness of the enormous benefits to not only physical well-being but mental and social too.They say they are not a buggy boot camp by any means. Their classes are friendly and fun, but offer a SAFE full-body workout which will strengthen core muscles in preparation for birth or recovering in the most safe and effective way after the birth of baby. They also address posture and daily living activities such as safe lifting and carrying, which can impact so detrimentally at this time.
Included in the fabulous walk around the park, is the challenging hill (!) getting the heart, lungs and circulation working well. Stopping along the way to perform some mobilising and muscular -strengthening exercises to music, then ending off with the all-important stretches and well-earned fruit back at the finish. Ladies will often head into the park cafe afterwards to continue their chats and have lunch.
The fitness session also gives a chance for mums to socalise and make new friends by sharing experiences as they go around the park circuit together. Sharon and Shelley are fully trained professionals so there’s also opportunities to ask questions regarding any health or parenting issues.
The sessions are being run in partnership and as part of the Leeds Let’s Get Active community programme from April to the end of September, which makes them fully accessible and enables this group of women to improve their health and activity levels, and women are loving it!
Sarah Lines, mum to Leo, living in Leeds 10 says…
“I am so glad I became aware of the Bumps & Babes classes, particularly the walks at Middleton Park. As a new mum last year I really wanted to get active again, but I was wary about rushing into it.
“Sharon and Shelley have got so much expertise in natal health, they quickly put my mind at ease and you can tell that they are passionate about encouraging everyone to exercise safely. Plus you can bring your baby along so there are no childcare worries.
“They are so friendly, as are the other mums, so it inspired me to attend every week. It is a bonus that you can get some positive exercise and meet new people which then psychologically feels great and gives you a boost at what can sometimes be a challenging time. And the fact that the classes are free of charge really helps too.
“Middleton Park seems to be a hidden gem in South Leeds too, a lovely setting for such a worthwhile enterprise, which is why I still attend even though my baby is now a toddler!”
Since starting in April this year, Bumps and Babes have already recruited over 50 women at Middleton Park, but are still looking for more mums to join to them. Bumps and Babes are there come rain or shine, and they have had both! They are delighted with the turn out and feel they are taking over the park on Tuesday morning 11.30am-12.30pm, some weeks we’ve had over 30 mums and babies. People are really friendly and get encourage us along the way!
If you wish to join Shelley and Sharon for the FREE sessions, they meet at the Visitor’s Centre/Cafe at 11.30am Tuesdays throughout the summer until the end of September.
As a result of the success at Middleton, it has just been confirmed that they are now offering the free sessions at Temple Newsam from Tuesday 20 June for 6 weeks at 10am.
www.bumpsandbabes.co.uk Email: bumpsandbabes@hotmail.co.uk
We are also on Facebook & Twitter (Bumps and Babes)