Brittany is to go to Sri Lanka

DSCF2406My daughter Brittany Rosindale of Clayton Drive, Hunslet has been accepted as a volunteer to go to Sri Lanka in September 2016 to help with people suffering from mental illness and children and adults with disabilities.

We are trying to raise as much as possible as the trip is self-funded.

We are going to be doing a car boot sale in the next few weeks and are looking for any donations you may have for this.

If you please have anything you could donate you can contact me by phone or text on 07703818394 and we will call round to collect it.

Thank you in advance Julie and Brittany.


Kenneth says: I have got permission from Julie, who I met at the Belle Isle Elderly Winter Aid to blog this and to give details such as her address (left house number out) and mobile phone number. Please phone for house number to drop off any donations.

Good luck Brittany.