BITMO’s GATE Centre new opening times

Belle Isle Tenant Management Organisation (BITMO), which manages council housing in Belle Isle, has changed the opening hours of its GATE Centre as of 1 December 2022.

BITMO’s GATE new opening times are:
Mondays 9am–1pm
Tuesdays 1pm–7pm
Wednesdays 9am–1pm
Thursdays 1–7pm
Fridays 9am–1pm

This means the centre is open for three long mornings a week and is open into the evening on Tuesdays and Thursdays. BITMO’s Board took this decision, so that they are:

  • Open to more people.
  • Able to go out and speak to people all around Belle Isle.
  • Able to plan their work effectively so that the advice they give and the sessions they run are better organised.

From January they are going to trial some Saturday morning sessions, with a kids’ cinema club and advice and support for Belle Isle tenants.

A spokesperson added:

“When you come to the GATE, if we can help you in up to 10 minutes, we will continue to do so. However, if you need more help we will probably book you an appointment to make sure we can help you properly. You could also ring us on (0113) 378 2190 to book an appointment directly. If you are not a BITMO tenant, we will probably refer you somewhere else for help, such as to a Community Hub. In this way we can give the very best support and advice to BITMO tenants and provide good basic advice and referrals to our neighbours.”

BITMOs GATE is located at Aberfield Gate, off Belle Isle Road, LS10 3QH. For more information call (0113) 378 2190 or email


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