A community tennis project which aims to change the reputation of the sport from being exclusive and expensive to affordable and fun for all is set to be held in Cross Flatts Park, Beeston, this spring.
Leeds is one of eight sites nationally to host the Love Tennis ‘community tennis pilots’ which aim to promote the sport in areas where the take up is traditionally low. The pilots are funded for two years and Cross Flatts is one of 12 set for Leeds (Dartmouth Park in Morley and Springhead Park in Rothwell are amongst the others).
There will be weekly organised activity (coaching, social tennis, Cardio Tennis, competition and match-play etc) at affordable rates (£2-£4 an hour) with no membership fees.
A council report says the scheme is gathering momentum and has the support of the Lawn Tennis Association (which has allocated £85,000 to the city), the Tennis Foundation, executive member for leisure and Beeston and Holbeck councillor Adam Ogilvie and local authority support from Parks and Countryside and Sport Development.
As soon as more details are revealed, we’ll let you know here on South Leeds Life.