This Sunday (18 September 2022), the Friends of Middleton Park have organised a mobility scooter, wheelchair and pram friendly accessable guided walk in Middleton Park.
The walk will be on suitable surfaces for wheelchairs, prams etc. Besides enjoying the wonderfull and extensive ancient semi-natural woodland that the park is famous for, the walk will take in some of the history of the park – the 800 year old boundary ditch and bank between Middleton and Beeston, the track of the old Middleton Tramway and other features.
We appreciate that Middleton Park is quite hilly and can be difficult for wheelchair users, but we hope there will be several Friends of the Park on the walk who may be able to assist if required.
To join the free walk, meet at Middleton Park Visitor Centre at 1:30pm, no need to book, the walk will last approximately 1½ hours.
This post is based on a press release issued by Friends of Middleton Park