This is my second of my lifetime stories since moving into sheltered housing three years ago. This will also appear in the June edition of South Leeds Life Newspaper.
First, my apologies in the length of this blog. I had thought about splitting the blog into two, with the second edition following a week later. I have decided that would not work.
So here goes. This personal story, blog of mine has been over two years in the making. It’s now two years since I enrolled on the south Leeds life reporter’s course led by Jeremy Morton (Editor of South Leeds Life) at Tenants Hall, Middleton.
Over that two years done over 200 blogs and newspaper reports for South Leeds Life, in the South Leeds postcode LS10, LS11 areas.
Proudly Jeremy recently told me I’m the highest blogger after himself. I went on to learn about blogging, interviewing people. I got a chance to interview Kim Groves (Councilor). Learnt not to use copyright news reports from such as the Yorkshire Evening Post, although they have used mine. Also not to use copyright pictures in blogs without permission.
In that time I also did a Radio Producer course, at then called South Leeds Community Radio. After completing that course went on to have my own programme called Easy Listening Music. Was on a prime spot on Sunday morning. Sadly I quit the radio station about a year ago.
Anyway back to the South Leeds Life. When I and others finished the course, we were allowed to upload blogs to the web. Learnt about hypolocal, something I’ve never heard about and how Twitter, Facebook all have their uses in spreading the world of blogging world. There is never a single blog that I do, that does not get linked to Facebook. please don’t ask me about twitter though, still can’t understand it!
Over the last two years have covered all the fairs, galas and fun days in 2013 and 2014, for South Leeds Life and some for BITMO. I’m taking a back seat in 2015 re galas, fairs and just covering the Belle isle Gala, after deciding that a while ago. Now have told my Editor will be covering the Beeston Festival. I won’t be covering Hunslet, Holbeck and Middleton produce show. That’s not to say I’m not kept busy with other event’s and spend at least two hours every day sorting text and pictures ready to upload blogs onto the South Leeds Life web site.

I always try to cover event’s that happen at BITMOs GATE, which are wide and varied. Recently St Georges Day, Easter Egg Hunt and Keepmoat Event. What’s happening at local churches, local centers, fun days and many more activities across South Leeds.
I recently started doing audio interviews, which then I change to text. So far interviewed Jess, (who recently left BITMO GATE) to go on her American adventure. Then Chris Simpson, CEO of BITMO. Julie of Julie’s Ancestry Hour. Also just this morning interviewed with Sally Sumpner, Executive Head of Windmill Primary School, who is to retire after the summer holidays. This will be blogged later.
My next target will be Hillary Benn, to interview him and ask him what is Labour doing to help the mentally ill in Leeds?
A few month ago, told my Editor was cutting back on blogging due to personal reasons. But guess what happened, I end up doing more. Recently took a week off meetings and outside events/blogging. Ended up spending all my time on my computer catching up on personal blogs, such as this one. I enjoy blogging immensely, and can’t think of a life without it.
If you want to get involved with blogging, come to BITMOs GATE every Friday morning between 10am and midday and learn how to blog or just give us your local news stories. Bring your dialog and photos on a memory stick, we will do the rest. Have a cuppa and breakfast.

I’ve also been interviewed by Liz Green and Andrew Edwards on Radio Leeds re: my Dementia. Not that I hardly saw Liz, studio was very dark.
Moving on, since moving to sheltered housing in Belle Isle three years ago also become involved in quite a few other volunteer groups such as Julie’s Ancestry Group, Belle Isle and Middleton in Bloom, Belle Isle Gala committee, Tenants panel and South Leeds Life News Café on a Friday morning at THE GATE, and many Memory cafés for people and carers who have Dementia.
Oh can’t forget the Medical Centre, Patients Panel.
Also in the last couple of years had to put up with antisocial behavior, poor health and an ongoing court case to get through.
All hopefully at the end of this will make me a stronger person, and the future a better one.
Would also like to finish by thanking all the people that has helped me, and befriended me since moving to Belle Isle sheltered housing over three years ago. Jeremy of South Leeds Life. Julie and Chris Holmes of various volunteer groups. Carla, Chris, Becky and Jess of BITMO. Special thanks must go to Lynne of BITMO, who asked me to write a column for BITMO Bits n Pieces magazine (I still have a copy of that magazine). Then Lynne told me about the reporters course that South Leeds Life was holding.
Finally thanks to everyone on the Cross Flats Park Run. On the 13th June will be my 50th park run, and will wear my 50th park run sweat shirt with pride. I thought I would never make it.
Would like to thank Peter Smith, of the Memory Cafes fame.
If I’ve forgot to mention anyone, please accept my apologies.