Chris Jarvis
Yesterday at 10:53
Dear Residents of Parkwood Estate,
The Council have written back with regard to assisting getting this community organisation up and running, and given the growing interest from everyone regarding this we have the backing of our local Councillors Adam Ogilvie and Angela Gabriel who I am informed are keen to attend the first meeting and future meetings of our organisation.
Here is the plan;
We will have a pre-meeting in order to decide upon a leaflet to promote the actual first main meeting and arrange for it to reach every resident. This also gives you the opportunity to meet with the gentleman at the Council who I have been communicating with regarding the formation of this organisation.
If you wish to have a role in the running of the organisation and are prepared to attend regular meetings at Cockburn High this meeting would be for you. There will not be much happening but it gives the man from the Council a chance to get a feel of where we are at. It is part of his role with the Council to assist getting these organisations running, he will be able to outline from the Council’s point of view what they are able to offer to support us getting started, and what we can do to make it happen, he is a very knowledgeable and friendly man who is up to date with what money is available, where and how to get it.
As a starting point the pre-meeting can potentially take place at my family home, (unless anyone wishes to make any other offer), therefore if you would like to attend please get in touch with me as soon as you can and we can set a date. Please state when you are available in the next 7-10 days and whether you would prefer an evening or afternoon meeting, by either private messaging through Facebook, emailing chris@thejarvisfamily.me texting 07876800623 or WhatsApp, and if there are more than a small number who wish to attend the first pre-meeting, we can arrange for a mobile office that the Council have offered to bring down, but this will be only be available at more limited times meaning we would have to take what we are offered.
We will then have our first main meeting at Cockburn High, after ensuring all residents have been made aware by leaflet stating the time and date.
Our Councillors have kindly offered to chair our main meeting, this is fantastic news as it gives our organisation a firm base in democracy where they can guide us, providing initial leadership towards the official formation of a committee and ensuring we are properly constituted.
The following roles may be potentially available for residents to take within the organisation, this will be decided by voting for who takes the roles at the main meeting;
1. Chair – Chairs meetings of the group and provides leadership.
2. Vice Chair – To take over the roles of the Chair when they are not available and provide additional guidance to the group.
3. The Secretary – Keeps a record of meetings, deals with group correspondence and becomes the main point of contact for the group.
4. The Treasurer – Manages the groups money, pays the expenses and bills.
We will have to agree a document of constitution, I have already drafted one to get us started which can be found in the files section of this group, and if anyone wishes to make and agree any amendments to it, then it is time to start thinking about this ahead of the meeting, as once we agree upon it, any other changes would only be made at our Annual General Meeting which will obviously be around a year from our first main meeting.
We all would like positive change on our Estate, the way it happens is for all of us to come together, be civil with each other, and work together.
I hope to meet with you all in the near future.