A dozen caravans which pulled onto the edge of the moor on Holbeck Moor Road opposite the new housing on Good Friday are set to be moved on.
The Council were unable to act immediately because the Courts were closed over the holiday weekend, but South Leeds Life understands that there will be a hearing tomorrow (Thursday 31 March). The council will be seeking an order for the immediate removal of the camp.
Police do have powers to move travellers on without resorting to the courts, but only if they receive complaints that the travellers are causing anti-social behaviour.
Residents have been complaining on social media about rubbish, fires and damage to the park. When I visited this afternoon the main damage appeared to be the grass, the flowerbeds had not been damaged and the footpaths were clear.
One Holbeck resident commented on Facebook: “And yet another sad day for the people of Holbeck and for Holbeck in Bloom, travellers have moved on to the moor right on top of your flower beds. They don’t seem to care what they destroy.”
Cllr Angela Gabriel said she was very upset about the damage to the moor. “Once they have gone I will be meeting with officers and other agencies to see what can be done to make sure this never happens again.
“I would like to see the Council provide more sites like the one on Kidacre Street behind Crown Point shops, which is kept very clean and tidy. But the sites need to be located where they won’t cause nuisance to the settled community” she said.
Firstly Have the facts..They HAVE damaged the flowerbeds..They ARE Blocking the right of way for passers-by (Try getting up earlier) you will see one disabled resident having to use the road to pass by.
The Police WERE informed of the antisocial behaviour. ALL Information has been passed to ALL Holbeck Councilors INCLUDING photos of the antisocial behaviour…
Regards:: A VERY informed Resident of Holbeck Moor Road
This is the icing on the cake. Legalised prostitution zone and now the travelling community are back on Holbeck Moor. It is going to take a lot more than new houses and hipster bars to change the tarnished image of Holbeck.