Last week, volunteers from Virgin Media got stuck in with the local community and helped to dig a new allotment at Broomfield South SILC (Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre), the all-age school for special needs pupils in south Leeds.
A 20-strong volunteer team from across the UK – including Sheffield Derbyshire, Manchester, Wales, Gateshead and Buckinghamshire – were joined by school children from the neighbouring Clapgate and Windmill Primary Schools to help sow seeds for vegetables for the new polytunnel greenhouse. Pupils from all three schools will help to cultivate the allotment over the coming weeks and months, with a view to growing and providing the vegetables for the school canteens.
The local school project is part Virgin Media’s commitment to become a long-term partner for the area, by connecting with the Middleton and Belle Isle communities, including local schools and organisations. Virgin Media recently expanded its fibre optic broadband network to bring ultrafast connectivity to homes and businesses in Middleton and Belle Isle, as well as providing a range of tablets and devices for local schools.
Local Councillor Kim Groves, who was there to lend a hand on the day, said:
‘‘The Virgin Media volunteers have really worked hard on this worthy cause. The allotment will provide all year around activity for the pupils and who will also be able to enjoy the benefits of eating what they grow.’’
Martin Smith, Virgin Media’s Director of Network Expansion, was also working hard on the allotment project and commented:
“We are delighted to be working with the local schools in Middleton and Belle Isle to make a difference to the daily lives of these children, as well as wider community. I hope we have helped to sow the seeds for future generations in the area.’’