The Hunslet Club has been serving the community for 75 years and marked the anniversary with a get together for past members on Saturday evening (28 November 2015) for a special event to mark the diamond milestone.
The decades fell away as old members caught up and remembered times gone by. They were helped by old photos and scrap books collected specially over the last few weeks.
South Leeds Life talked to several Club Captains from years gone by including two men who were there when the club started in 1940.

Arthur Hudson is 88 and was captain in 1945. “It was great, there was allsorts going on. I remember winning a singing competition. In Club Week Mr Goodyear set a target of raising £200, which was a lot of money in those days. I felt such responsibility and was relieved when we hit the target.” Like many, club membership ran in the family and Mr Hudson’s grandson, Danny Wood was Club Captain in 1990.
Alan Horbury, captain in 1947, remembers Mr Goodyear coming to his school, St Silus, to recruit boys for the club. “We lived on Goodman terrace behind the shops. There were half a dozen lads my age on our street, but I was the only one to join the club. I never understood why the others didn’t join, they missed out on so much.”
Gordon Linley was captain in 1956 and visited St James’ Palace to represent all Yorkshire Boys Clubs as a 16 year old. He received a buffalo horn trophy from the Duke of Gloucester.
Current Club Chair Colin Whitaker summed up the spirit of the club: “The strength of the club is the people that’s what we’re here to celebrate.”
Members showed their pride when he said the club has become one of the best in the country. “Always was!” came the heckle from the old guard.