South Leeds Life News Cafe at Middleton Elderly Aid

Hello I’m Tracey:
I started Volunteering at Middleton Elderly Aid Social Centre about a year ago. I found it very friendly and rewarding.

I was delighted when Samantha, Operations Manger offered me a permanent role at the Centre. I feel proud as a member of a great team who support the elderly in the local community.

The centre provides a Lunch Club, week days except Wednesdays, when we have a Bacon Sandwich breakfast with tea or coffee for a £1.

Also the centre has many activates through the 6 days that the centre is open. Including, Line Dancing, Chair Based Exercise and Crafts. Also Quiz afternoons, Bingo and Hoy.

If your over 60 and live in Middleton come and join us. We are next to Middleton Primary School on Middleton Park Avenue, and Acre Road.

Hello My name is Sue:
I have been coming to MEA for over a year with my husband Tony.

We come to the Thursday Lunch club at the Centre. We sometimes play Ping-Pong. We enjoy the company and especially like the Bingo and Hoy.

I have even won on occasion a Morrisons voucher. Which comes in handy for rainy day. I love being part of the Middleton Community. I’m also a member of the local Singing Choir at Tenants Hall in Middleton.

Thank you all for your lovely stories given to me at the South Leeds Life News Café, at Middleton Elderly Aid. 

You can find more about the centre at