Planning applications 22 July 2019

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 22 July 2019:


Removal of condition 10 (hours of use) of planning permission 18/03533/FU to enable 24 hours use and 365 days a year 

Units 26 And 27 Millshaw Park Drive Beeston Leeds LS11 0LU

Ref. No: 19/04445/FU | Status: Current

Alterations to the existing social club comprising, access ramps, new insulated cladding, new window and new covered shelter 

Holbeck Working Mens Club Jenkinson Lawn Holbeck Leeds LS11 9QX

Ref. No: 19/04028/FU | Status: Current

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of previously approved application 12/01652/FU for MINOR MATERIAL AMENDMENTS to alter the floor space used between D1 and D2 uses including provision of a creche 

Plaza Club 94 Lady Pit Lane Beeston Leeds LS11 6DP

Ref. No: 19/03520/FU | Status: Current

Two front dormer windows 

27 Garnet Place Beeston Leeds LS11 5HX

Ref. No: 19/04594/FU | Status: Current

Garage to front

3 Dunlin Drive Middleton Leeds LS10 3UL

Ref. No: 19/03641/FU | Status: Current