Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.
Please note that due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak Leeds City Council is not accepting written representations made by post. Please make any comments online and address them to the planning officer.
The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 13 December 2021:
245 Town Street Middleton Leeds LS10 3SE
3.50m single storey rear extension, 3.55m to ridge height and 2.65m to eaves
22 Hopewell View Middleton Leeds LS10 3TE
41 Rydall Street Holbeck Leeds LS11 9LF
19A Atha Street Cross Flatts Leeds LS11 7BT
Proposed change of use of dwelling to HMO (sui generis)
112 Grovehall Drive Beeston Leeds LS11 7ET
Please could we have list of planning applications for LS13, thank-you.
Hi Norman, I’m sorry we only cover the LS10 and LS11 postcodes. But our friends at West Leeds Dispatch https://westleedsdispatch.com do cover LS13 and I believe they also publish lists of planning applications.
Hi. Would you happen to know where I could see applications for LS14 and LS15 areas.
Sorry Kim, I’m not aware of any publications covering that area.
FAO Kim if you Google ‘News my Area’ and put in your postcode and look under Notices section there is various items that have put in planning applications, hope this helps – Mike