9 February 2025


Hunslet Cemetery volunteers

Hunslet Cemetery Middleton Road, Leeds

Hunslet Cemetery volunteers meet at 10am by the Chapel usually on the last Wednesday of the month. Please book due to Covid: heather.wagstaff@leeds.gov.co.uk or 07562 439631. Anyone can attend but children under 16 have to bring an adult. Under 18s need a consent form if on their own. You don't


Community Cafe

Cranmore & Raylands Community Centre Cranmore Drive, Leeds

On offer we have toasties, pizza and soup and coming to the cafe is a great way to meet the team, the friends of Cranmore and also find out about what else we have on. Food is free of charge but we welcome donations where possible.


Tai Chi

Cranmore & Raylands Community Centre Cranmore Drive, Leeds

Treat yourself and escape the stresses of the mind through movement for no fee. To book call Amy on (0113) 277 2352 or email amy.hallam@healthforall.org.uk


Dru Yoga

Jamyang Buddhist Centre Clyde Works, Ingram Road, Leeds

A gentle and flowing yoga



Watsonian Pavilion Cross Flatts Park, Beeston, Leeds

Inclusive dance session for all ages and abilities (including chair-based).


Outdoor Yoga

Cross Flatts Park Beeston Road, Leeds

One hour sessions of socially distanced, vinyasa style yoga. All abilities with some basis level of fitness, bring your own yoga mat. Top end of Cross Flatts Park between the bowling greens and Beeston Road.



Outdoor Yoga

Cross Flatts Park Beeston Road, Leeds

One hour sessions of socially distanced, vinyasa style yoga. All abilities with some basis level of fitness, bring your own yoga mat. Top end of Cross Flatts Park between the bowling greens and Beeston Road.


Grandparents Social Circle

Charlies-Angel-Centre 6B Ashbroke Park, Leeds

We feel that it’s important that grandparents have support, trying to offer support and also grieve for your grandchild can be a very distressing time. First Tuesday of the month 7-8.30pm
